Sophomore service is a day that 10th-grade students at Spalding have participated in for decades. All sophomores must join in this day of service throughout the year. This day of service doesn’t count toward required graduation hours because the purpose of this day is to serve for the reward of kindness and to participate in a good deed that benefits others.
Spalding wants their students to recognize the importance of service to others and value how little acts of kindness can change one’s day. It is essential to take part in service because it makes you realize the vast gratitude you have for the life you live. The day of service is laid out first with a gathering in the chapel and a preparation talk of what is expected.
Some students have feelings of uncertainty before the service because this is a new type of service for most students. After preparation, the students board the bus and ride to the service sites in Baltimore. When arriving at the first service site, Our Daily Bread on Fallsway Road in Baltimore, the first half of the students will be dropped off for their day of service. The remaining students on the bus have a 5 to 10-minute bus ride to the second service site, the Franciscan Center on 23rd Street in Baltimore.
Each group of students will do a similar service at different locations. At service sites, students are given distinct roles. Whether that is serving food, cleaning tables, or packing lunches, everyone has an important role.
My service group took place at the Franciscan Center, where I packed lunches, made sandwiches, and acknowledged all the staff members’ hard work. Students participate in their service for approximately three hours before boarding the bus to report back to Spalding. Once the students have completed their service and returned to the school, they participate in a pizza party to celebrate their good deeds.
Lastly, following the party, students reflect on their day in a group reflection. This part of the day is essential because Spalding wants the students to absorb the importance of this day. Sophomore service is a day of kindness, courtesy, and blessing and is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding days of my time at Spalding.